A tropical-borne disease known as Dengue is induced by bites of mosquitoes and the dengue virus.
Dengue scatters when an affected individual is bitten by a mosquito and that mosquito bites another individual.
The species of mosquito called Aedesaegypti, which outlives only in tropical and sub-tropical areas throughout the year- stimulates the transmission of the virus.
These mosquitoes are active in the daylight rather than at night.
Thus, the possibility of being bitten is elevated during the day.
A total of 400 million dengue infections surface worldwide each year, with about 96 million resulting in sickness.
Sometimes, the symptoms are mild and are mistaken for other viral infections.
children and people who have never had the experience before tend to have milder cases than older children and adults.
However, difficult situations can evolve including dengue hemorrhagic fever, damage to lymph and blood vessels or bleeding from the nose and gums, enlarged liver, or even failure of the circulatory system.
The symptoms may move to massive bleeding, shock, and death. This is called dengue shock syndrome.
Dengue can direct to symptoms like –
-High body temperature (as high as 104°F)
-Intense joint & muscle discomfort
-Pain behind the eyes
-Nausea or vomiting
-Extreme headache

Alert signs that doctors should look for consist of :
- severe abdominal pain
- persistent vomiting
- rapid breathing
- bleeding gums or nose
- fatigue
- restlessness
- liver enlargement
There is no proper vaccination developed now for dengue.
This holds a considerable amount of risk to people and to healing an individual affected by dengue.
The remedy for dengue provides relief for the symptoms more than getting rid of the major symptoms with heavy doses of medicines.
Ways to prevent dengue –
- Use Mosquito Repellent
Apply Mosquito-repellent creams 2-3 times throughout the day, especially in the morning. It can be a wipe, spray, cream, or bands. - Wear preventive Clothes. sleep in rooms with air-conditioning and windows coated with nets. Long sleeves and covered clothes reduce the risk of coming in contact with these breeds.
- Restrict breeding zones -Mosquitoes usually populate in areas that are rampant with dirt in stagnant pools, as these spots permit mosquitoes to breed. Ensure that No region of your house should have unnecessary filth.
- Make sure your home is well-lit, Mosquitoes multiply in Little shady sites. Sunlight through windows is a great obstacle to not inviting mosquitoes in. Make sure to cover the window with nets.
- Be knowledgeable about dengue, Dengue virus passes into the bloodstream resulting in viremia. Have full-fledged knowledge of dengue also its consequences and safeguards.
The transmission of dengue has risen around the world in recent years.
Most patients are asymptomatic or mild and self-managed; Hence, the current numbers of dengue cases are low.
Many cases are misdiagnosed due to a lack of misunderstanding.
To prevent this, apart from treatment and medicine, it is necessary to take a better diet. If you want to recover fast, then you need a special diet for this.